Monday, April 25, 2011

VO2 What?

V02 Max is the measurement of the maximum capacity one’s body to transport and use oxygen during exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual.

Now entering the last phase of my 18 week Seattle Marathon training cycle and this week begins the more grueling Vo2 Max training sessions. For example tomorrow’s run will a 8 miler with five ½ mile intervals run at my 5K pace (7:15-7:30). The last time I ran such a run was with Yoda and I nearly threw up. You know that feeling when someone punches you in the stomach and you just can catch your wind. Well, it’s like that times 5. Its not going to be pretty…

Overall, the training has been going well. Only 8 more weeks until race week and I have just two more 20 mile long runs and a 18 mile race-pace run left. I have run 365 miles since Feb 22 of 2011. I ran a fantastic 16 miler yesterday at just about race pace. I have a great feeling about a new PR in June. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

One race, one mile, and one step at a time


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