Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Countdown begins T-25

Wow, 14 weeks went by in a hurry! As usual, as the countdown approaches, its time to reflect on the training effort, work on the final prep, and calm that pre-race jitter.

566 miles since end of Feb.
Down about 10 lbs.
New PR in 5K

I am pretty amped up for this race b/c I've worked harder than ever. My realistic goal is to PR and shave as much time off that 3:58 as possible. The reach goal is 3:45.
Now that I've done most of the work, I just want to complete the remaining three weeks with some purpose. On race day, it'll be up to God to send some good weather our way.

I am ready for take off. Let just hope that there are no last second malfunctions.

One race, one mile, and one step at a time,


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