It’s been over two months since the Seattle Marathon. Things have been crazy as usual with my two very active kids and “training” for the Oct double. I did not realize until this past weekend when I finally had the chance to chat with two of my friends who ran with me in Seattle that, I had never properly congratulated them on completing their first marathon. I had to bail immediately after the race in order to catch my flight back to So Cal. And even though I managed to blog an entry whining about not being able to PR in Seattle, I FAILED to thank all those who ran alongside me in Seattle. Better late than never right? So here goes…
My buddy Mike C, thanks for living up to your (drunken) promise made many years ago to run a marathon with me. Even though you are on one good knee you were able to accomplish your goal of finishing sub-five. That is amazing. Your story about running again after standing in the tunnel wondering how you’d finish the race with two cramped up legs at mile 16 tell a whole lot about who you are.
To Chris, my little sister. Congrats on another half. I hope you had fun... Im sure the food alone was worth the trip down the West Coast. Now we'll have to get Brad into the sport...
My buddy Larry C, AKA L Dawg, aka Smalls maybe small in stature but is huge in heart. First marathon and an amazing result (far better than my first). You surprised me with preparation and respect for the distance. Honestly I kept looking over my shoulder to see when you’d pass me. I am very happy that you enjoyed the race and may consider another in the future. There are lots of good ones out there… and besides, you need to out-run Lori.
David L, thanks for hosting and showing me around town. Dude, awesome job on the half! When I grow up I hope to stay active and pretty like you. As usual, thanks for listening to my grips about everyday life stuff… Oh, and apology for Larry’s insult on your mother and Korean women in general, he meant no harm.
Tito N, you are a stud. Who shows up for their first full and runs a respectable mid 4 after emailing me two weeks before the race wondering if you’d even run with the plantar fasciitis? It was good seeing you old friend. You tri guys are intense. Maybe one day I’d try one out, assuming I learn how not to drown.
MariAnne is like the female Yoda. You show up with the Zen like wisdom on running, no training, and then out run the entire party. Thanks for pulling me ahead for most of the race. Good luck with the knee. I know you will come back stronger than ever.
Thanks to Aud for being the super supportive wife on this trip. It made me miss home even on a 1.5 day trip.
Thanks again to all of you. I really hope that you enjoyed the experience. Finishing a marathon is no small task no matter the time of finish. You should be very proud of what you’ve done.
One race, one mile, and one step at a time,