Day 3 of 2012!
Wow, is it really 2012?
In the blink of an eye, I am 37 years old, my first born is in the third grade, and 18 States and 23 marathons have come and gone!
During the Christmas break, I was able to look back at the past year and reflect on the successes and failures. It really allowed me to also look into the next year and formulate some goals and resolutions.
In 2011
I yelled at the kids a lot.
I drank a little too much.
I wasn't always patient with my wife.
I failed to PR.
I managed work and spent more time with the family.
We vacationed more as a family.
We (wife and I) maintained a loving but strict approach in raising A & A.
I accomplished some career objectives.
I ran hard, and got stronger.
I ran three marathons, including my first double, totaled 1,577 miles in 2011.
Taking the good with the bad, here are my goals for 2012.
[here is a side note: someone I really respect in running wrote that one should not blab about goals b/c 1. many do so only to brag about his accomplishment 2. many fail 3. just talk less and DO(RUN) MORE! In some ways I agree. However, I assure you that my intention is not to brag. Rather, I have always felt that once I've verbalized my goals, I am held accountable for these goals. So here goes]
In 2012,
I will be a better father
I will be a better husband
I will drink (FAR) less
I will be a better runner
I will be looking for a new PR < 3:58
I will chalk > 2,000 miles
I will run 4 marathons and one ultra marathon in 2012
Ok, there I've said it. I've said it in such a way that I think I can and will accomplish all of the above... some will be harder than other, but I hope to be able to post a nice report card at the beginning of 2013...
I hope everyone is off to a great start in 2012 and may this be the best year for everyone!
One race, one mile, and one step at a time,