Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I was never a big fan of Ultraman. But I would love to have some of the super hero powers. In particular, Flight (飛行能力 Hikō Nōryoku), and Teleportation (テレポーテーション Terepōtēshon)would def be helpful in my marathoning crusade.

In just 19 days, I will be able to call myself an ultra marathoner. What is an ultra marathon you ask? Technically, it is any race that is longer than the standard 26.2 variety. It will be my first ultra and my first race over seas. The race is "Taipei University 12 Hour Super (ultra) Marathon" scheduled for 3/25/2012. The race will be coursed around the University campus that is a 3K loop. I think it will be a good way for me to get into an ultra. My thinking is that aid stations will be readily available and there is less pressure given that it is a (generously) timed event. In order to receive the finisher trophy (yes trophy!!), a participant must complete a minimum of 72K. (24 laps, approximately 45 miles under 12 hours). Based on my double result in 2011, I think finishing the race is achievable. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

It will mark the first time I return to Taiwan in 15 long years... so there is a lot to be excited about. Looking forward to seeing my relatives in Taiwan and vacationing Japan with my wife and kids after the race. I am sure to gain a few pounds on this trip. I'll worry about that when I return. I'll try to post some photos after the race and trip.

One race, one mile, and one step at a time,
