The quest has begun. Training is in full gear. And I am quickly coming to the realization that this is no freaking joke. 100 miles... 100 miles... 100 miles... even the sound of that as it rolls off my tongue is scary, daunting, and seemingly improbable. Just this past weekend as I finished a short 18 miler I thought to myself, "holy crap 82 miles to go! No f'in way..." Now obviously I ran a bit faster than I would have in a 100 and I can probably easily run a few more miles that day but the prospect of finishing a 100 mile run in my current state of fitness is not good. I'd give myself a 10-20% chance actually finish the race at this point in time. For the first time in a long time I am very scared. I am going in without experience on my back and confidence in my heart.
The Nanny Goat 100 buckle
What I do have is four month in front of me and I MUST move that completion % from 10% to say 60-70%. What I have is a massive amount of respect for the distance and the fear that will keep my training honest. What I have is 29 marathons, a 45M ultra, and two doubles under my belt to lean on as I approach this epic run. I MUST have this. I will have this. (tell myself enough and I will start to believe??)
Pray for me.
One race, one mile, and one step at a time