Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Zen within

It has been a troubled couple of weeks for me physically and emotionally. I’ve had some real high points of physical breakthroughs (with running) followed by several inexplicable outbursts of anger and frustration.
There are moments in time when running exactly mirrors life. You go through the paces and the daily grind and things sometimes become mundane and repetitive. You start to lose the passion and drive that burned brightly inside when things began. You continue to run, only to run in place.
In running there is one thing that helps to bring the focus back. One thing that is clear and allows me to plan and execute. That is a tangible, measureable, and undisputable finish line. A finish line, a goal, that is as clear as it is unyielding. As a runner, the more you put into the daily grind, the more you get in return in achieving your goal.
In life however, things are just not as clear. You put in the work day in and day out and may never hit your objectives. There are just too many other elements involved. Worse yet, sometimes we don’t even know what the object is! WHAT IS THE END GAME?! How many times have you asked yourself, “what am I doing this for?”
I wish I had the answer. But I do not. Maybe that is a part of the reason I run. Because even if it is for a few minutes a day, I know that the effort I put in is going to take me a bit closer to my goal and objective. Success or failure is all up to me.

One race, one mile, and one step at a time

3/24/11 5 M recovery

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